No Theme
I would start this one off with a clever quote or a phenomenal photo but:So, I never know what to write, Mona. (Harvey? Jake Gyllenhaal? Dammitt, I can't for the life of me figure out who the hell my audience is. ... Mom?...) I tend to think of my blog as an essay forum for myself. And the word "essay" brings me back to 10th grade British Literature class which, ultimately, stresses the hell out of me. Hence, my posts are few and far between. ha-HA, Professor Briggs - take that! No deadline or convincing theme HERE! (Umm, geez I'm a nerd.)
(a) I am way too clever and phenomenal.
(b) I couldn't care less after two glasses of wine and, maybe, quite possibly, a third.
(c) The eleven people who read my blog are sweet and cool enough not to care.
(d) I've, quite simply, got nothin'.
(e) All of the above.
*Answer at the very end of this, my totally mellow, no-pressure post,
What goes on in my mind at times would disturb a farmer, garbage truck driver, city planner, pilot, tenth grader, octogenarian, Red Cross worker, Pizza Hut delivery guy, prostitute, priest, Starbucks barista, and naughty librarian, just to name a few. But hell, to write about every single thing that goes on in my mind? I'd have to be really cool to dish that stuff. Cool like Tom Robbins. Or like a Real Housewife with a kickass ghost writer.
What I can fathom from the depths of my uncool, I-got-nothin'-for-ya self these days for the purpose of a blog post is this: Parenting is tiring; I am blessed; I love my friends and family; if I complain please take away my DVR (Just kidding. Please don't.); there is never enough time for housework; why-oh-why does "Mad Men" have to be done for the season?; Wii Fit is my nemesis; Payless fake Ray-Ban aviators can hold someone over for months while waiting to be able to afford the real thing; is anyone as impressed with Brandon Flowers' music as I am?; do actual political parties exist anymore?; whoever plans themed birthday parties for children deserves a medal. of honor. from, like, Oprah., or a Nobel-party-prize person; and... did I mention parenting is tiring? Oh, right. You knew that. (Why am I consistently so surprised about that?)
I know there are throngs of people waiting for me to spill my secrets on 17 creative ways to cook with hot dogs and how to bribe your children all the way through Target. Throngs, I tell you. However, all I have for now are pics of my lovies. And of some additional, pretty amazing people. This past week was full of autumnal birthday fun. Happy to share.......
Heavenly Biscuit on Ft. Myers Beach. BEST breakfast ever...
Hula-Lila at the Eco Fest.
Thank you, Whole Foods, for providing our autumn photo op backdrop.
How 'bout them pumpkins, Mom?
h a p p y 3 r d b i r t h d a y , a j & l i l a
h a p p y 3 r d b i r t h d a y , a j & l i l a
b i a n k a
l i l a , p a i g e, a j
l i v , m e a g a n , p a i g e ( x o )
BFF: the I missed you
a n i s t o n
BFF: the interlude
H B D , a j !
Dave 'n Grady
Play-doh 'n Beer
Lily 'n Kelly
BFF: the I love you
t h e b e a n
Aunt Dot 'n Pals
b e a u t i f u l g i r l s
c l o s e f r i e n d s
p r e c i o u s
I have hot friends...
...who apparently accept Hello Kitty moms.
Enjoying the birthday spoils.
Alas, it's 12.45am on a Tuesday. Not sure why I'm still writing... I guess I have something to say. Perhaps it's I miss real autumn. Maybe it's I'm lucky. Could be just I'm a horrific party planner who has no problem with zero theme and the mix of Play-doh, juice boxes, and beer. Or... maybe it's:
Though I desperately miss real New England fall, I appreciate how lucky I am and, even though I'm a horrific party planner, I am happy. Beer, flip-flops, Play-doh, zero theme... All good.
Time to go to bed.
*Oh, right. That quiz at the beginning. You choose. I'm tired.