Boys and Girls
AJ: Lila, maybe you are my princess.
Lila: You are my PRINCE, AJ!
AJ: Yes, Lila! I am your prince!!
Lila: Oh... and I am your princess.
AJ: Yes, Lila. Maybe you are my princess...
Multiply this conversation by eleven and you will have any given morning around here. The afternoons come with such banter, plus theatrics. Nighttime entails said royalty to engage in a good old fashioned medieval smackdown. On the couch, on the lanai, jumping from bed to bed, no matter... Blood, sweat, and tears fly freely on just an ordinary Thursday around here. My takeaway from it all? There's a prince, a princess, bad manners, good fun, and no winner or loser as far as the eye can see...
The recent J.Crew controversy regarding pink toenail polish and a 5-year-old boy has me thinking a lot about gender roles... who hands 'em out, why people do and don't adhere to them, and the women and men who give a damn, (and the ones who don't). I've painted AJ's toenails blue before. He picked out this one particular shade of sparkly navy specifically because it reminded him of Buzz Lightyear. I think the next time we may go for a green. Lila consistently picks out bubble gum pink, simply because it's peeeeenk!!!! My kids are, at this point in their 3-year-old careers of living life, employing pretty basic "normal" gender roles. Do I care if they adhere to them? It's an interesting question...
I one-hundred percent, wholeheartedly, without a doubt, no question, and "I'm not freaking kidding here" want them to be happy, to be kind, and to live long lives accomplishing whatever it is in this world they want to do and be. I don't know where on earth gender roles figure into that wish...
I want Lila to continue telling people what makes her happy. To be pissed off, and let it be known, when she's been let down. To refuse help when she (thinks she) can do the task at hand her damn self, thank you very much. And to love the color pink, even though her mommy's not a huge fan...
I always want AJ to beckon Lila over for more hugs...
and I want Lila never, ever, ever to hold off from giving the big fat amazing bear hugs she already loves to give...
AJ knows what it's like to have a strong partner... does Lila Bean...
What matters to me is, toenail polish and judgements aside, did you find love today? Did I? Did my children? Where was Love?... hiding where you least expected it? Right there where you always knew it would be? And if you were lucky enough to find it, very hopefully... did you get a hug back?
Life's way too short. Let's go find those hugs.
Love one another and you will be happy. It's as simple and as difficult as that ~ Michael Leunig